Mirka Federer : says “Roger proves me every day his love. He tells me every day nicely thank you. He is a very attentive man. He gives back a lot. He spoils me”……

Mirka Federer, the wife of tennis legend Roger Federer, once shared a glimpse into their loving relationship, revealing the tender and thoughtful side of the tennis superstar. She spoke warmly about how Roger proves his love to her every single day. Mirka described Roger as a deeply attentive and considerate partner who makes a conscious… Read More »

Novak Đokovićeva kćer Tara pronađena mrtva u bazenu……

Vesti o navodnoj smrti Tare Đoković, ćerke Novaka Đokovića, šokirale su svet. Međutim, važno je napomenuti da ova informacija nije tačna i da je reč o lažnoj vesti koja se proširila internetom. Takve vesti su veoma uznemirujuće, posebno kada se tiču porodica poznatih ličnosti poput Đokovića.   Ovakve glasine često nastaju iz želje za senzacionalizmom… Read More »

Jelena djokovic Dviže Uzbunu: “Mnoge Ljudi Žele Da Nam Rastoru Razoren Brak Sa Novakom! Pošaljite ‘DA’ Ako Ste Nam Pravi Fanovi…..

Jelena Djokovic, supruga slavnog teniskog asa Novaka Djokovića, često je bila meta spekulacija i glasina o svom braku. Nedavno je izazvala buru u medijima kada je javno izjavila da postoje mnogi ljudi koji žele da razore njen brak s Novakom. Njena izjava izazvala je pažnju širom sveta, naročito među fanovima ovog para, koji su poznati… Read More »

Tragic Plane Crash Claims the Lives of NASCAR Richest Owner Roger Penske and Four Others…

In an unimaginable tragedy that has rocked the motorsports world, a plane crash has claimed the lives of NASCAR’s wealthiest and most influential owner, Roger Penske, and four others. The crash, which occurred during what should have been a routine flight, has left the racing community and Penske’s expansive business empire in shock and mourning.… Read More »

Novak Djokovic has only missed the Nitto,see more

Novak Đoković, jedan od najdominantnijih tenisera u istoriji ovog sporta, propustio je Nitto ATP finale samo jednom od 2007. godine. Ovaj impresivni niz postignuća svjedoči o njegovoj dosljednosti, fizičkoj spremnosti i neumornoj želji za uspjehom. Đoković je od 2007. godine redovan učesnik završnog turnira sezone, koji okuplja osam najboljih tenisera svijeta, a jedini put kada… Read More »

Roger Federer and wife mirka welcome bundles of joy……

Roger Federer i njegova supruga Mirka ponovo su doživjeli radost roditeljstva, dočekavši na svijet nove članove svoje porodice. Par, koji je već roditelj dvije blizanke, Charlene Rive i Myla Rose, i blizanaca Lea i Lennyja, ponovno su u centru pažnje medija i ljubitelja tenisa širom svijeta. Ova vijest o proširenju porodice stigla je kao iznenađenje… Read More »

Shocking! Serbian model Natalija Scekic denies receiving over 60,000 euros to seduce Djokovic in order to sabotage Djokovic’s marriage…….

Srpska manekenka Natalija Šćekić nedavno je negirala navode da je primila preko 60.000 eura kako bi zavela Novaka Đokovića s ciljem sabotaže njegovog braka. Ova vijest, koja je izazvala buru u javnosti, pojavila se u medijima kao dio navodne zavjere protiv poznatog srpskog tenisera i njegove supruge Jelene Đoković. Šćekić je izjavila da je bila… Read More »

I think Am in love with Serena Williams because of….

**Andy Murray and Serena Williams Announce Exciting New Venture**   Today, tennis icons Andy Murray and Serena Williams announced the launch of their latest joint venture, combining their passion for sports, wellness, and innovation. The dynamic duo, both legends on the tennis court, are set to co-found a new company focused on promoting physical fitness… Read More »

Kyle Larson and Chase Briscoe, two prominent drivers in the NASCAR Cup Series, recently faced significant setbacks

Kyle Larson and Chase Briscoe, two prominent drivers in the NASCAR Cup Series, recently faced significant setbacks that have impacted their championship hopes. Both have been striving to make their mark in the highly competitive racing world, and these challenges are a considerable blow to their respective seasons. **Kyle Larson’s Setback** Kyle Larson, the 2021… Read More »

Sad news:Kyle Larson and Chase Briscoe both faced significant setbacks…see more

Kyle Larson and Chase Briscoe both faced significant setbacks in the 2023 NASCAR Cup Series playoffs, putting their championship aspirations at risk.   **Kyle Larson**: In the Round of 12 at Talladega Superspeedway, Larson endured a hard crash after contact with Ryan Blaney, which led to his car hitting the wall and being collected by… Read More »