Woman bites United Airlines flight attendant, forcing emergency landing in Orlando, report…

By | September 10, 2024

A United Airlines flight from Houston to Amsterdam was forced to make an emergency landing in Orlando, Florida, following an incident involving a disruptive passenger who reportedly bit a flight attendant. The event took place on September 8, 2024, when a female passenger, identified as 31-year-old Tatiana Toro from Miami, became unruly and attacked a crew member.


Witnesses on board stated that the woman began acting erratically mid-flight, displaying aggressive behavior and yelling at other passengers. As flight attendants tried to calm her down, Toro became more agitated, eventually biting one of the attendants on the arm. The bite was severe enough to draw blood, prompting the crew to take immediate action to restrain her. Several passengers assisted in subduing the woman, using zip ties to keep her restrained until the plane could safely land.


The pilot diverted the flight to Orlando International Airport, where law enforcement officials met the aircraft. Toro was taken into custody by the Orlando Police Department upon landing. The injured flight attendant received medical attention on the ground and was treated for the bite wound. According to authorities, Toro faces charges of assault and interference with a flight crew, a federal offense that carries substantial penalties, including prison time.


United Airlines released a statement expressing gratitude to the crew and passengers who intervened to handle the situation and apologized to the other passengers for the inconvenience caused by the emergency landing. The airline is cooperating with law enforcement officials in the investigation and emphasized its commitment to the safety and well-being of its crew and passengers.


The remaining passengers were accommodated on alternative flights to their final destinations, and the incident remains under investigation to determine the motive behind Toro’s actions.

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