Tyson and Paris met when Tyson was a 17-year-old unknown boxer and Paris was 15-years-old. Paris said the first time she saw Tyson she thought he looked like Farmer Giles.
“The first time I laid eyes on him he was six foot six, so he was noticeable. He had big long side burns and I made a joke about him because I thought he was a bit gawky. I thought he looked like Farmer Giles,” she told The Irish Mirror.
The pair were introduced at mutual friend’s wedding by Tyson’s Aunt Theresa who is known as the matchmaker in the family, according to Paris.
“I was first introduced to Tyson by his Auntie Theresa. She’s known as the matchmaker in the family. She said to Tyson: ‘Come and meet this young lady’. I lifted my head and I was expecting to see someone at eye level because I’m not small myself, I’m five foot eight.