Shocking! Serbian model Natalija Scekic denies receiving over 60,000 euros to seduce Djokovic in order to sabotage Djokovic’s marriage!

By | April 1, 2024

Novak Djokovic, the world-renowned tennis champion, has always been known for his steely focus on the court. But lately, whispers of trouble in paradise have begun to lob over the net, casting a shadow over his seemingly idyllic marriage to Jelena Djokovic.

The normally social media-shy couple has been uncharacteristically quiet online, with their once-frequent posts of loved-up vacations and playful family moments replaced by a deafening silence. Fueling the rumors further, Jelena was noticeably absent from Djokovic’s recent victories, sparking speculation about a rift between the pair.

While the reasons behind the alleged marital discord remain unknown, some insiders point to the immense pressure Djokovic faces as a top athlete. The relentless travel schedule, the constant scrutiny, and the ever-present threat of injury can take a toll on even the strongest relationships.

Others speculate that Jelena, a successful businesswoman in her own right, may be yearning for a life outside the constant spotlight of being a WAG (Wife of a Gifted Athlete).

Despite the rumors, there’s no concrete evidence of a split. However, the lack of public denials from the couple only adds fuel to the fire.

Only time will tell if this is just a passing volley in their long match, or if the Djokovic love story is headed for a heartbreaking deuce.

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