I don’t know whether I should return to tennis or continue with my lingerie fashion career, but I still want my fans to make that decision for me… see more details

By | August 6, 2024

I find myself at a crossroads, uncertain whether to return to tennis or pursue my career in lingerie fashion. This decision is profoundly important to me, and I am genuinely torn between these two paths. On one hand, tennis has been a significant part of my life, a sport that has shaped my identity and given me immense satisfaction. The thrill of competition, the camaraderie with fellow athletes, and the challenge of continually pushing my limits are all aspects of tennis that I deeply cherish.


On the other hand, lingerie fashion has also become a passionate pursuit of mine. The creativity involved in designing and modeling lingerie offers a different kind of fulfillment. It allows me to express myself in new ways, explore fashion, and connect with fans in a different realm. The excitement and appreciation I receive from this industry are also very rewarding.


Given the impact both of these careers have had on my life, I feel that my fans’ opinions would be incredibly valuable in making this decision. They have supported me through various stages of my career, and their perspectives could provide insight into what might be the best path forward. I want to honor their support and consider their thoughts in shaping my future.


Ultimately, this choice is about finding a balance between my passions and what brings me the most happiness and fulfillment. By involving my fans in this decision, I hope to make a choice that resonates not only with my personal goals but also with those who have been a vital part of my journey.

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