China accuses US of ‘abusing’ international law by sailing in Taiwan Strait and South China Sea….. read more details

By | September 3, 2024

China has accused the United States of “abusing” international law following the recent passage of U.S. naval vessels through the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea. The Chinese government claimed that these actions were provocative and undermined regional stability, asserting that the U.S. was deliberately challenging its sovereignty and security interests.


The accusation came after the U.S. Navy conducted a “freedom of navigation” operation, during which American warships sailed through the Taiwan Strait, a body of water separating Taiwan from mainland China. The U.S. also carried out similar operations in the South China Sea, where China has established extensive territorial claims, many of which overlap with those of other Southeast Asian nations. The U.S. maintains that these operations are conducted to uphold international law and ensure free and open access to key waterways.


In a statement, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs criticized the U.S. actions, claiming they violated China’s sovereignty and security interests. “The U.S. is abusing international law under the pretext of freedom of navigation,” the statement said. “These actions are a deliberate provocation and a serious infringement on China’s sovereignty.”


The U.S. Navy, however, defended its operations, stating they were in accordance with international law and aimed at preserving freedom of navigation in the region. “We will continue to fly, sail, and operate wherever international law allows,” a U.S. Navy spokesperson said in response to the Chinese accusations. “These operations demonstrate our commitment to a free and open Indo-Pacific.”


The tensions in the region have been heightened by these actions, with China frequently expressing displeasure over U.S. military activities near its waters. The U.S., in turn, has reiterated its commitment to supporting its allies and partners in the region, including Taiwan, and to countering what it perceives as China’s efforts to assert control over international waters and airspace.

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