Category Archives: Uncategorized

ĆERKA NOVAKA ĐOKOVIĆA TARA KREĆE U ŠKOLU Jelena objavila fotografiju sa decom: “Bože kako brzo rastu”**

**ĆERKA NOVAKA ĐOKOVIĆA TARA KREĆE U ŠKOLU Jelena objavila fotografiju sa decom: “Bože kako brzo rastu”** Veliki dan za porodicu Đoković! Tara, ćerka Novaka Đokovića, jednog od najboljih tenisera svih vremena, krenula je u školu, a ponosna mama Jelena Đoković podelila je ovaj poseban trenutak sa svojim pratiocima na društvenim mrežama. Jelena je na svom… Read More »

The identity of Hamilton’s replacement has sparked intense debate and speculation.

Lewis Hamilton, the seven-time Formula 1 World Champion, has been synonymous with Mercedes since 2013, leading the team to unprecedented success. However, the motorsport world was shaken when Mercedes announced Hamilton’s replacement, marking the end of an era. The decision, which came after much speculation, has sent ripples across the racing community and has been… Read More »

Andy Murray, a tennis player renowned for his resilience, talent, and strategic play, holds a unique distinction in the annals of tennis history.

Andy Murray, a tennis player renowned for his resilience, talent, and strategic play, holds a unique distinction in the annals of tennis history. He is the only man to have won an Olympic gold medal and the US Open in the same year, achieving this remarkable feat in 2012. This accomplishment is a testament to… Read More »

The aviation industry is witnessing a significant transformation as C Airline and United Airlines have officially completed their merger,

The aviation industry is witnessing a significant transformation as C Airline and United Airlines have officially completed their merger, creating a new aviation giant poised to dominate the global market. This merger, which has been in the works for several months, marks a new era for both companies, promising enhanced services, expanded routes, and increased… Read More »

Andy Murray Reveal why he holds retirement party at £5m mansion as Henman spills the beans….

Andy Murray has chosen to hold his retirement party at his luxurious £5 million mansion, a decision that has intrigued fans and media alike. The party, hosted at his opulent residence, reflects the significant milestones and achievements of his illustrious tennis career. Murray’s choice of venue highlights his desire for a private, intimate celebration with… Read More »

A United Airlines flight was forced to make an emergency landing in Orlando after a disturbing incident involving a passenger who allegedly bit a flight attendant.

A United Airlines flight was forced to make an emergency landing in Orlando after a disturbing incident involving a passenger who allegedly bit a flight attendant. The incident, which occurred on a flight from Houston to Los Angeles, has raised serious concerns about in-flight safety and passenger behavior.   According to reports, the incident began… Read More »

Nole je car na terenu: Ali je Stefan zvezda na tribinama – SAMO GLEDAJTE

**Nole je car na terenu: Ali je Stefan zvezda na tribinama – SAMO GLEDAJTE** Novak Đoković je nedvosmisleno jedan od najvećih tenisera svih vremena, a njegove uspehe na terenu malo ko može osporiti. Njegova posvećenost, radna etika, i ljubav prema igri učinili su ga globalnom ikonom. Međutim, dok se Novak bori na terenu za nove… Read More »

Naslov: Moldavija Naučila Lekciju: Nikada Ne Preti Srbiji, A Pogotovo Ne Novaku Đokoviću

  **Naslov: Moldavija Naučila Lekciju: Nikada Ne Preti Srbiji, A Pogotovo Ne Novaku Đokoviću** **Datum: 27. avgust 2024.** **Autor: Marko Petrović** Beograd, Srbija – Srbija je poznata po svojoj bogatoj istoriji, ponosnim ljudima i, naravno, legendarnom teniseru Novaku Đokoviću. Niko ne sme da osporava te vrednosti, a poslednji koji su pokušali, ubrzo su saznali zašto… Read More »

To je vrhunac moje karijere! Novak o sudbonosnom trijumfu u Parizu: Hteo sam da ostvarim dobar rezultat za svoju zemlju, za svoju porodicu, za sebe.”

  **”To je vrhunac moje karijere! Novak o sudbonosnom trijumfu u Parizu: Hteo sam da ostvarim dobar rezultat za svoju zemlju, za svoju porodicu, za sebe.”** **Novak Đoković: Trijumf u Parizu – Ostvarenje sna** „Ovo je vrhunac moje karijere,“ rekao je Novak Đoković, očigledno preplavljen emocijama nakon svog trijumfa u Parizu. Osvojiti titulu na Rolan… Read More »

Rosyjska małpa Kamilla Rachimowa wysłała wiadomość do Igi Świątek przed ich dzisiejszym meczem: „Polska gówniaro, przygotuj się na mnie”

Rosyjska małpa Kamilla Rachimowa wysłała wiadomość do Igi Świątek przed ich dzisiejszym meczem: „Polska gówniaro, przygotuj się na mnie” Dzisiejszy dzień w świecie tenisa zdominowała niespodziewana wiadomość od rosyjskiej tenisistki Kamilli Rachimowej, która w dość kontrowersyjny sposób zwróciła się do Igi Świątek. Przed ich dzisiejszym meczem, Rachimowa napisała na swoich mediach społecznościowych: „Polska gówniaro, przygotuj… Read More »