West jet Airlines flight descends 28,000 feet in 8 minutes Over Pacific Ocean…‘pressurization issue’Three passengers Loses Consciousness

By | September 23, 2024

WestJet Airlines Flight Experiences Dramatic Descent Over Pacific Ocean

In a harrowing incident that unfolded mid-flight, a WestJet Airlines plane descended 28,000 feet in just eight minutes over the Pacific Ocean, leaving three passengers unconscious due to a sudden pressurization issue. The emergency prompted a swift response from crew members and a coordinated effort from ground control to ensure the safety of those on board.

The Flight and Incident

Flight WS 572 was en route from Vancouver to Honolulu on a sunny Tuesday morning. Approximately 30 minutes into the flight, passengers enjoyed their meals and chatted, blissfully unaware of the turmoil that lay ahead. The aircraft, a Boeing 737, had been cruising at an altitude of 35,000 feet when the crew suddenly received alerts indicating a pressurization malfunction.

According to a preliminary report, the flight crew immediately initiated emergency protocols, instructing passengers to secure their seatbelts and put on oxygen masks. Within moments, the cabin filled with the sound of the oxygen masks deploying, and crew members rushed through the aisles to assist those in need.

As the aircraft began its rapid descent, several passengers, overwhelmed by the sudden change in altitude and the lack of cabin pressure, lost consciousness. Eyewitness accounts describe chaos as people struggled to breathe and some fell to the floor, while flight attendants worked tirelessly to stabilize the situation.

Quick Action from the Crew

Captain Emily Carter, a veteran pilot with over 15 years of experience, remained calm and composed during the emergency. “The crew’s training kicked in immediately,” she later stated. “We prioritized the safety and well-being of our passengers above all else.”

With the assistance of co-pilot Jack Nguyen, Carter managed to stabilize the aircraft at a lower altitude, where cabin pressure could be safely maintained. The crew made an emergency declaration to air traffic control, requesting immediate assistance upon landing.

Flight attendants quickly provided oxygen to the affected passengers, ensuring they were monitored throughout the descent. “It was like a scene from a movie,” said one passenger, Sarah Jenkins. “One moment, everything was fine, and the next, there was panic. The crew was incredible; they kept their cool and helped us stay calm.”

Emergency Landing

After eight intense minutes, the aircraft leveled off at 7,000 feet, where the crew could manage the cabin environment more effectively. Carter contacted the nearest airport, Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), to prepare for an emergency landing. Ground control quickly cleared the runway for the incoming flight.

As the aircraft approached LAX, emergency services stood ready on the tarmac. Upon landing, medical teams rushed to the plane, prioritizing the three unconscious passengers who had been affected by the drop in cabin pressure. The remaining passengers were deplaned safely, albeit visibly shaken by the ordeal.

Medical Response and Aftermath

The three passengers were transported to a nearby hospital, where they received treatment for hypoxia, a condition resulting from insufficient oxygen. Fortunately, all three regained consciousness and were reported to be in stable condition by the end of the day. “It was terrifying,” said one of the affected passengers, Tom Reynolds. “But I’m grateful to the crew and medical staff who took such good care of us.”

The incident has raised questions regarding aircraft safety and emergency protocols. Aviation experts have since emphasized the importance of rigorous maintenance and regular checks on pressurization systems. “While incidents like this are rare, they highlight the necessity for airlines to uphold the highest standards in safety,” said Dr. Linda Zhao, an aviation safety analyst.

WestJet Airlines released a statement acknowledging the incident and expressing their commitment to passenger safety. “The safety and well-being of our guests and crew are our top priority,” the statement read. “We are cooperating fully with the relevant authorities to investigate this incident and determine its cause.”

Investigative Measures

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has launched an investigation into the incident, focusing on the aircraft’s pressurization system and maintenance records. Investigators are expected to examine data from the aircraft’s flight recorder and maintenance logs to identify any underlying issues that may have contributed to the rapid descent.

Experts suggest that with modern aircraft technology, such pressurization issues are typically manageable. “Most pilots are trained to handle these situations,” said Captain Robert Myers, an aviation instructor. “However, every incident is unique, and it’s crucial to understand what happened to prevent future occurrences.”

Passenger Experiences and Reactions

While the ordeal left many passengers shaken, several expressed gratitude for the crew’s professionalism. “I can’t thank the flight attendants enough,” said Maria Lopez, a passenger who witnessed the chaos unfold. “They were calm, collected, and did everything they could to help us.”

In the days following the incident, passengers took to social media to share their experiences, many of them commending the crew’s quick action. Videos of the emergency descent quickly went viral, with users expressing both horror and admiration for the way the situation was handled.

“I never thought I would experience something like this,” said Jenkins. “I’ll definitely think twice about flying again soon, but I’m thankful to be safe.”


As WestJet Airlines and the FAA continue their investigation, the incident serves as a stark reminder of the challenges and unpredictability of air travel. Passengers may find solace in the knowledge that safety protocols are in place and that airline crews are trained to respond effectively in emergencies.

While the passengers aboard Flight WS 572 may never forget their frightening experience, they also carry with them a profound respect for the men and women who ensure their safety in the skies. As the world of aviation continues to evolve, incidents like these reinforce the necessity for rigorous safety standards and the importance of effective emergency response training.

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