That’s why they left out Christmas Eve. Director Roland Garros denies the allegations……… See the full details and photos……,

By | June 12, 2024

There have been allegations that the director of the production company behind the popular Christmas Eve special deliberately left out the holiday from their programming. However, director Roland Garros has vehemently denied these claims, stating that it was simply an oversight and not a deliberate attempt to exclude Christmas Eve.

Garros explained that the programming for the holiday special had been planned months in advance and that due to a busy schedule and miscommunication among the team, Christmas Eve was mistakenly left out. He emphasized that the production company has always strived to create inclusive and diverse content for its viewers, and that the omission of Christmas Eve was not intentional.

Despite Garros’ explanation, many viewers have expressed disappointment and frustration over the exclusion of Christmas Eve from the holiday special. Some have even called for a boycott of the production company, citing a lack of representation and sensitivity towards the holiday.

In response to the backlash, Garros has issued an apology to those who were upset by the omission of Christmas Eve and has promised to make amends in future programming. He reiterated his commitment to creating content that is inclusive and reflective of all holidays and cultures.

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